1995 - Kracow Theatrical Reminiscences. Poland
1996 - Auriliac Theatre Festival. France
1998 - Theatre Op de Markt. Belgium
- Stockton International Festival. United Kingdom
- Straat Theater Festival. Netherlands
- Strassen Theater Festival. Lienz, Austria
- Malta Festival, Poznan, Poland
- Arena Festival. Germany
1999 - De Spiegelten Festival. Netherlands
- Sirkus Ljourert Festival. Netherlands
- Basel Theater Festival. Switzerland
- Zuercher Theater Spektakel. Switzerland
- Chateu de Clermont Festival. France
- Theatre Der Welt Festival. Germany
- Fira de Theatre Festival al Carer. Spain
2001 - International Chekhov Theatre Festival. Russia
- Daidogei World Cup. Japan
2001 - International Chekhov Theatre Festival. Russia
- Daidogei World Cup. Japan
2004 - Wellington Festival. New Zealand
2006 - Commonwealth Games Festival. Australia
2017 - Festival of Tall Ships. Australia
2018 - White Night Festival, Melbourne. Australia
2019 - WOMADelaide World Music Festival, Adelaide. Australia
- Splendour in The Grass, Byron Bay. Australia
- H.O.T.A. - Calling Home Festival, Queensland. Australia
2020 - Inland Sea of Sound Festival. Australia
- Upstream Festival. Albury, Australia
2021 - Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Australia
2021 - Malthouse Theatre. Australia
2022 - Be Bold Arts Festival. Brimbank, Australia
2023 - Crossing Borders Festival. San Salvador, El Salvador