Our shows are centred around the attempt to complete an extremely difficult task.
The execution of these theatrical tasks require a very specific type of performer. Our ensemble preparation has evolved as a physical training system with a dual purpose:
1) The development of a robust physical and vocal training practise designed to ensure an extremely strong, flexible body and voice with stamina as a key emphasis.
2) To create an equally robust ensemble culture both in a rehearsal/performance context and also ‘off the floor’ in the shared responsibilities of company management and development.
Our company training model has been developed across a number of years and is primarily a hybrid of two key proponents of both Eastern and Western actor training methodologies: Suzuki Method for Actor's Training & Meyerhold’s Biomechanics Étude Studies.
We have developed our company training system into training programme that can be delivered either as an extended masterclass format across a week, or as a month long unit to fit in with the physical theatre training curriculum of modern training institutions.
Our company ethos is centred around a continued practise.
Based on Australia we conduct weekly drop-in sessions for local performers of various disciplines to come and train with the company at our Melbourne space but we also deliver our extended training in various local and international training institutions and companies - most recently at the Spanish Cultural Centre in San Salvador, El Salvador.
Our preferred international touring model is to deliver a workshop series before performing one of our shows. This enables us to connect with the communities in which we perform; and be able to meet the performers from multiple disciplines and backgrounds, to form new collaborative networks and, ultimately to incorporate local artists into our touring performances.